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This project explored human comfort with a small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (sUAV) and a ground vehicle.
Recommended citation: Acharya, U., Bevins, A., & Duncan, B. A. (2017, September). Investigation of human-robot comfort with a small unmanned aerial vehicle compared to a ground robot. In 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 2758-2765). IEEE.
This project seeks to generate small Unmanned Aerial System (sUAS) flight paths that are broadly understood by the general population and can communicate states about both the sUAS and its understanding of the world.
Recommended citation: Duncan, B. A., Beachly, E., Bevins, A., Elbaum, S., & Detweiler, C. (2018, May). Investigation of communicative flight paths for small unmanned aerial systems. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (pp. 602-609). IEEE.
This work seeks to inform future researchers on lessons learned and recommendations for conducting a crowdsourced study to elicit participant responses to non-anthropomorphic robots that produce high rater agreement.
Recommended citation: Bevins, A., McPhaul, N., & Duncan, B. A. (2020, Nov). Content Is King: Impact of Task Design for Eliciting Participant Agreement in Crowdsourcing for HRI. In Social Robotics: 12th International Conference, ICSR 2020, Proceedings 12 (pp. 640-651). Springer International Publishing.
This article presents an understanding of naive users’ perception of the communicative nature of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) motions refined through an iterative series of studies. This includes both what people believe the UAV is trying to communicate, and how they expect to respond through physical action or emotional response.
Recommended citation: Bevins, A., & Duncan, B. A. (2021, Dec). Aerial flight paths for communication. In Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 8, 719154.
The purpose of this project is to understand how people would expect to interact with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in a social indoor environment under friendly, neutral, or adversarial contexts.
Recommended citation: Bevins, A., Kunde, S., & Duncan, B. A. (2024, March). User-Designed Human-UAV Interaction in a Social Indoor Environment. In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 23-31).
Worked with students in core classes, such as: CS1, CS2, Data Structures & Algorithms, Discrete Structures. , University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2021
Instructor of record for undergraduate course which explored user experience design. Students mainly comprised of Software Engineering and Computer Science majors. Within the Fall of 2022 there were 66 students., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, School of Computing, 2022
Instructor of record for undergraduate course which explored user experience design. Students mainly comprised of Software Engineering and Computer Science majors. Within the Fall of 2023 there were 99 students., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, School of Computing, 2023
Instructor of record for undergraduate course which explored user experience design. Students mainly comprised of Software Engineering and Computer Science majors. Within the Fall of 2024 there were 75 students., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, School of Computing, 2024